Mengshi Automobile Technology Company masters the core technologies of luxury electric off-road, and its core business covers product research and development, high-end intelligent manufacturing, technical services, travel ecology and other value-chain ecology">
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Mengshi Automobile Technology Company is a luxury electric off-road brand launched by Dongfeng Motor to create the“Dongfeng Advance" and the"Technology Leap" strategy layout to respond to the upgrading trend of off-road consumer demand.
Mengshi Automobile Technology Company masters the core technologies of luxury electric off-road, and its core business covers product research and development, high-end intelligent manufacturing, technical services, travel ecology and other value-chain ecology. It is committed to bringing users the world's oriental off-road experience.
The M-Hero 917 is a full-size Luxury SUV manufactured by the Dongfeng Motor Corporation under the M-Hero brand. The 917, which is the first vehicle under the M-Hero brand, was introduced in August 2022 and launched the following year. It is also part of the Dongfeng Mengshi family of off-road vehicles.

Fierce Technology
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